Is your life speaking your financial truth?

If not, you are not alone. Many black women suffer from the pressures of keeping it all together yet never stopping to take the time to put on their wealth mask first. If this is you, we invite you to attend the Women and Wealth Intensive.

During this half-day virtual experience, you will learn:

  • the dimensions of vision so you can get clear about your definition of wealth
  • your NarrowRoad identity so you can get confident about financial goals that you believe are possible
  • the first financial statement your life makes so you can understand your financial capacity
  • how you can build wealth with your closest friends and family
  • Culturally relevant ways to commit to your wealth journey and live a life that speaks your financial truth

When: Saturday, March 27th from 8:30am-12:30pm EST 

Where: Virtual

Space is limited. Click the button below to register. 

Seeing is believing along the NarrowRoad™ to Wealth Your Way

Get on the road to clarify your vision for wealth TODAY